
Scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 12 May 2016

06/05/2016 10:46
Try scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 12 May 2016 from 6:50 PM. Free test. Price 250 CZK for entry into the diving pool. Meeting participants before IDEON at 6:45 PM. Orders and information on the Czech phone number.

Scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 5 May 2016

29/04/2016 09:41
Try scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 5 May 2016 from 6:50 PM. Free test. Price 250 CZK for entry into the diving pool. Meeting participants before IDEON at 6:45 PM. Orders and information on the Czech phone number.


21/04/2016 23:41
Dnes 23. dubna 2016  akce SLET ČARODĚJNIC V PARDUBICKÉM PIVOVARU. Sraz v 17:00 hod před pivovarem. Informace na českém tel. čísle.

Scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 28 April 2016

21/04/2016 22:50
Try scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 28 April 2016 from 6:50 PM. Free test. Price 250 CZK for entry into the diving pool. Meeting participants before IDEON at 6:45 PM. Orders and information on the Czech phone number.

Scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 14 April 2016

09/04/2016 09:38
Try scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 14 April 2016 from 6:50 PM. Free test. Price 250 CZK for entry into the diving pool. Meeting participants before IDEON at 6:45 PM. Orders and information on the Czech phone number.

Scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 7 April 2016

02/04/2016 10:53
Try scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 7 April 2016 from 6:50 PM. Free test. Price 250 CZK for entry into the diving pool. Meeting participants before IDEON at 6:45 PM. Orders and information on the Czech phone number.

Potápění na lomu Leštinka 3. dubna 2016.

02/04/2016 07:11
Potápění na lomu Leštinka dne 3. dubna 2016. Zájemci o ponor volejte na české tel. číslo. 

Scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 31 March 2016

28/03/2016 09:37
Try scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 31 March 2016 from 6:50 PM. Free test. Price 250 CZK for entry into the diving pool. Meeting participants before IDEON at 6:45 PM. Orders and information on the Czech phone number.

Scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 24 March 2016

21/03/2016 13:03
Try scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 24 March 2016 from 6:50 PM. Free test. Price 250 CZK for entry into the diving pool. Meeting participants before IDEON at 6:45 PM. Orders and information on the Czech phone number.

Scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 17 March 2016

14/03/2016 11:43
Try scuba diving in Aquacentrum Pardubice of 17 March 2016 from 6:50 PM. Free test. Price 250 CZK for entry into the diving pool. Meeting participants before IDEON at 6:45 PM. Orders and information on the Czech phone number.
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