Welcome to Diveman.eu

The specialist experience in Thailand, Malta and other Asia


Diveman is an experienced guide beauties Asian world under the sea, but also on the road of discovery. It will show you the underwater world and discover the aquatic world, as well as visits to the most beautiful sights of Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Laos, Brunei, Macau, Hong Kong, Cambodia and Vietnam. In summer, specializes in island of Malta.

My main specialty is Thai Pattaya and everything around it. I'll take you to places where you with the travel agency can only dream of.


All countries from the familiar to the custom routes not only the tourist routes, but even where ordinary foot visitor entered. We will visit the traditional corners for a fraction of the price and simultaneously takes you to places that others just keep hearing stories from the natives.

Prepare at great prices unusual nocturnal experiences for men, but also beautiful holiday moments for families with children.


But what I do best is not you stay and great fun, but also make you the most beautiful underwater world. I dive for years, I hold all the relevant professional license and have long experience in remarkable opening horizons.

we are members of associations

Contact me on czech mobile:  +420608660000 or mail diveman@email.cz

Českou verzi naleznete na stránkách www.diveman.cz